Xspress 3X/M

The Xspress 3 family of readouts has revolutionised the analysis of fluorescence detector data. Improvements in throughput and resolution optimisation, allow faster experiments with improved results.

Overview of the Xspress 3X/M

With over 100 installations worldwide, the new Xspress 3X combines the channel capacity of Xspress 3 with the flexibility of Xspress 3 Mini, to give you an easily calibrated, multi-channel system. Whether your detector is old or new, get the most out of it with the superlative performance of Xspress 3X.

There is a large body of data available to prove the performance of Xspress 3, with 60 Xspress 3 and 30 Xspress 3 Mini units now installed around the world at synchrotrons including the APS, SPring-8, ESRF, Diamond, SSRL, Canadian Light Source, BESSY, PETRA III, MAX IV, CHESS and NSLS-II. Many of these customers have gone on to make multiple purchases, indicating that not only do the specifications on paper and the price justify the outlay, but also that the installation, support and performance of the systems at the beamline offer just what the beamline scientists and users need. With beamtime such an expensive commodity it pays to invest in modern readout electronics which are able to capture as much of the available information as possible, enabling faster experiments with better results.


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  • Greater than 4 Mcps output rate
  • ~80 ns deadtime per event
  • 32+ channels supported
  • Ideal resolution and rate at all levels of flux with no user intervention required
  • Out of the box EPICS and TANGO integration

Video Duration: 1 minute 30 seconds

The Xspress 3X in Action

The following video is an introduction to the basic features of Xspress 3 operated using the EDM interface for EPICS. MEDM screens are also available, but they are similar enough that the following video also applies to them. The primary EPICS components were developed by Diamond Light Source with help from the APS.

Open source software for mapping is available from contributing scientists, please get in touch for details.

Talk to a specialist

Xspress 3 has enabled us to run tomography experiments with frame rates of 500 Hz and ten million frames per scan. Xspress’ speed and stability has allowed us to run an entire scan without pausing, greatly reducing the time it takes to run an experiment

Jan Garrevoet - P06 Hard X-Ray Micro/Nano-Probe, DESY

Applications for the Xspress 3X

Quantum Detectors systems are designed with you in mind. We want to help you achieve results, here are some of the applications this system is capable of.

XRF imaging/mapping

X-ray fluorescence (XRF) is the emission of characteristic "secondary" (or fluorescent) X-rays from a material that has been excited by being bombarded with high-energy X-rays.

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EXAFS (extended X-ray absorption fine structure) relies on the small fluctuations observed in the absorption coefficient close to an absorption edge to give information on the local electronic states of the species whose edge is being observed.

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Features of the Xspress 3X/M

Optimal Performance

Xspress 3X automatically adjusts to optimally analyse data at all count rates. No need to repeat a scan because the flux was too high. Its digital architecture allows advanced analysis techniques to extract the optimal amount of information.


With its modular design Xspress 3X is easily expandable should your requirements change in future. Each X3X unit is expandable to a maximum of 8-channels. Units can be daisy-chained to service larger systems all the way up to 32-channels, and beyond.

Seamless integration

Designed by scientists, for scientists, the Xspress 3X runs on EPICS and TANGO, and supports integration with lab-based software such as LabView.

Supporting you all the way

We’ll support you for the full lifetime of your system. Access to our support channel is free, we’re here to get you started, to assist with getting the most out of your system, and if you’d like to expand your horizons, helping you to create novel installations.


Open source software for mapping is available from contributing scientists, please get in touch for details.

The TANGO implementation of the drivers is based on the same C API as the EPICS interface. It has been built to specifications designed collaboratively with the ESRF and Daresbury Lab.

Xspress3 can also be operated through a web based graphical user interface (GUI).

Need some help?

Talk to our technical sales engineer about your requirements

Chris Hearn

Technical Sales Engineer

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