
Hardware and software solutions for cutting-edge research

For optimum results, your TEM and synchrotron research needs reliable, high-performance, easy-to-use direct detection and readout solutions.

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MerlinX Detector Quantum Detectors Nov2023


The MerlinX photon counting detector system utilises a Medipix3 ASIC. MerlinX is packing a lot in for its size. With a vast range of applications, MerlinX is a high performance X-Ray imaging detector.


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The MerlinEM Direct Electron Detector (DED), a pixelated detector ideal for applications such as 4D STEM and TEM dynamic imaging, offers rapid readout and improved signal to noise.


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Scan Engine

The Quantum Detectors Scan Engine allows advanced, highly customisable STEM scanning on electron microscopes.


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CheeTah M3 Mega_ASI_Quantum_Detectors

CheeTah M3

Large area direct electron counting detectors dedicated for all experiments with large dynamic range, such as 3D-ED or 4D-STEM with high beam currents.

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CheeTah T3

High-resolution, ultra-fast event-driven detector with picosecond timestamping and versatile integration for advanced electron diffraction and imaging applications.

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LynX T3

Hybrid pixel area detector with enhanced time-resolved capabilities, allowing X-ray and photon timestamping to nanonsecond accuracy, based on Timepix3 technology.

Xspress 3

The Xspress 3 family of readouts has revolutionised the analysis of fluorescence detector data. Improvements in throughput and resolution optimisation, allow faster experiments with improved results.


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HEXITEC detector is a self-contained system that measures the energy and position of every incident photon in the 4-200 keV range.


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Direct electron counting detector for electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) imaging. MerlinEELS significantly improves EELS in two key metrics: electron counting - to get the maximum signal to noise ratio and, high framerates independent of detection noise - to mitigate sample drifts.

Frequently asked questions

What is the best way to contact you?

The easiest way for you to contact us is through our contact page. We will then be able to direct your query to the suitable team or person for your enquiry.

What is your address?

Quantum Detectors HQ is based on the Harwell Science Campus. Our address is:

Quantum Detectors R103,

RAL, Harwell


OX11 0QX

How can I get a manual for my system?

All our systems come with a manual, it can be found on the USB drive thats included in the shipment, on each product page of the website you have the availability to contact Quantum Detectors for a virtual copy of the manual if you have misplaced the original.

How do I get in touch with support for an existing system?

Our support team will be happy to chat with you regarding your existing system. The best way to reach our support team is by emailing

BREXIT: how does it affect shipping products to our customers?

Unfortunately, the impact of BREXIT means shipment of goods will take more time and more paperwork. However, besides this, the cost of goods should remain the same as if purchasing within the EU.

Outbound goods

  • More detailed shipping paperwork will be provided at the point of shipment by QD
    • Invoices will always detail the Harmonised Commodity codes for the products we are shipping
      • It is this HC code that dictates the tariff that the goods trigger when they are entered into the customers country
      • Our product HC codes are listed below:
        Merlin (see note)*903010000090301000
        Merlin accessories e.g. metalwork, VHDCI cables903090000090309000

        *N.B. – any Merlins being exported from the US (e.g. loan items being returned) must be marked EAR99 to indicate that no license or license exception is required; the UK equivalent is “UK Not Controlled”

  • Under WTO tariffs, our products do not attract import tax when they are brought into foreign counties (or if we have to bring them back into the UK for any reason)
  • Our Invoices will be more detailed, to help with clearance. This will include country of origin info and a more substantial description.
  • Our invoices will be electronically submitted to DHL when we make a shipment so that the courier has all the info needed to clear the goods into the receiver’s country to hand.
  • As they would when buying from any country outside the EU, the entry is smoother if the buyer nominates a customs broker to work on the import
    • This info should be provided on the PO when purchasing from QD (if not it should be secured before shipment)
    • A person of contact in the customer’s procurement team should also be provided, as the customs broker often needs to liaise with the receiver about the entry
    • QD will detail your customs broker detail on the shipping paperwork
    • QD will email your customs broker and POC with the relevant shipping info when we dispatch goods

Need some help with our product range?

Our specialist team is on hand to help you. We want you to achieve cutting-edge research. Contact us today.

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