The x-ray microprobe Beamline 13-ID-E is equipped with a Quantum Detectors Xspress 3 readout system. Xspress 3 aids detectors to enable orders of magnitude improvement in throughput, combined with resolution optimisation.
Argonne National Laboratory
The advanced Photon Source at Argonne National laboratory is a state-of-the-art synchrotron facility providing ultra-bright, high-energy x-ray beams. This facility attracts over 5000 users annually performing cutting-edge science experiments.
The x-ray microprobe Beamline 13-ID-E is equipped with a Quantum Detectors Xspress 3 readout system. Xspress 3 aids detectors to enable orders of magnitude improvement in throughput, combined with resolution optimisation.
The capabilities of Xspress 3 were truly demonstrated when research undertaken on 13-ID-E by Mark Rivers, Matthew Newville and Tony Lanzirotti using a sample of root nodule of medicago (Ryan Tappero, Brookhaven National Laboratory).
“Sample for fluorescence computed microtomography (fCMT) measurement is large in one direction and
small in the other direction such that at θ = 0 degrees we measure say 10K CPS and at θ = 90 degrees we
measure say 10M CPS. This heroic fCMT measurement was possible with the dynamic range of Xspress 3”
“This heroic fCMT measurement was possible with the dynamic range of Xspress 3”

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Quantum Detectors at ePSIC
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